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St Ant

St. Anthony the Hermit at Plymtree. He wears a black cloak, or cappa hood and scapular over a white habit. The lining is red. Round his neck he has a large rosary ending in a red tassel. The large beads are red and the small white. A Tau-headed staff is in his left hand, and in his right a book, and what appear to be traces of a bell. On his shoulder is a red Tau cross.

St Ant

A similar figure, though better designed, is found at Ashton. Here St. Anthony is in black and white habit as at Plymtree, but without the red lining ; a white Tau cross on his black cappa, and the pig at his side.

St Ant

St. Anthony with a long dark cape reads a book while his red pig stands beside him. As appears on the Kenton screen.

St Dorothy

St. Dorothy, a favourite saint as pictured at Plymtree. White robe, short red tunic over it and green mantle, in left hand an open book, and in right a basket of flowers, the flowers and fruit which, according to her legend, she sent to Theophilus from Paradise after her martyrdom.

St Dorothy

St. Dorothy with a flowery diadem and holding a basket of flowers at Torbryan.

St Dorothy

St. Dorothy at Hennock with a basket of flowers.

Devon Screens


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